Blaž Švagan trio

Saxophone player, composer and producer Blaž Švagan studied music at KONSE in Klagenfurt under professor Erian and took part in numerous music workshops. In 2016, he won the Jazzon award for best jazz song. A year later, he founded his own trio and toured with them regularly until 2021. In 2022, he recorded his first album Sound in Time that was released recently with the Berlin-based record label AUT Records. Sound in Time is a trans-cultural project, filled with fresh and contemporary musical concepts. It flirts with the New York music scene but also includes melody and rhythm structures from the Balkans. Blaž’s second major project, which is oriented more toward popular music, is called Multiversal and features, among other artists, Grammy Award winner Jonathan Hoard.

Blaž Švagan, saxophone
Luka Gaiser, double bass
Bruno Domiter, drums 



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