Čedahuči ● Metropolis

Čedahuči (at 20:00)

Blaž Učakar, vocals, acoustic guitar
Romana Prosenc, vocals
Danijel Bogataj, violin, guitar
Jure Mihevc, guitar, lap steel
Aljaž Hrastar, bass guitar
Anže Žurbi, drums and percussion

The Slovenian folksters, a creative name bestowed upon them by Slovene radio editors, continue their musical journey as a folk-rock band that has been zigzagging over the last 10 years between genres such as indie-folk, Americana, country, and folk-rock, while their credo always combines acoustic sound, melodious tunes, sensuous lyrics in Slovene, and special arrangements that feature appearances by a wide range of instruments, particularly in their studio records. 

Metropolis (at 21:30)

Hotschko, vocals, bass guitar
Čule, guitar
BMD, drums

Metropolis are a classic rock’n’roll trio carrying the name of the legendary song by Motorhead that began creating their original rock’n’roll in a garage in Trnovo in Ljubljana as early as 1994. By the end of the 1990s, they were already regular guests of Slovene underground clubs and recorded four albums on two CDs. The first, Rokenrol Bend from 1997, which features a selection of 22 songs recorded in three sessions, was followed by Pazi se two years later.



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