Pinko Tomažič Partisan Choir Trieste

Pinko Tomažič Partisan Choir Trieste was founded in 1972 in Bazovica near Trieste. Until a few years ago, it was led by renowned musician and founder of the choir Oskar Kjuder, who later handed the reins to choirmaster Pija Cah. The choir is approximately sixty members deep and their repertoire includes revolution, labour, and folk songs that the choir performs in different languages.  

Today and in the past, their song selection tells the story about the longing for freedom, fairness, and peace. The choir are the messenger of the fight for national liberation against fascist oppression and violence.

The idea for the choir was born right in the region of Primorje, a land without any renegades or traitors during the war, as the people of Primorje were unified in their fight for their homeland and rights. They were heavily involved in the fight for national liberation, joined overseas brigades, were sent to internment camps, and never stopped fighting for their beloved Primorska, be it far or wide.

The choir use their songs to share the values of the fight for national liberation with younger generations so that they could preserve its message that speaks about the wish to come together, share camaraderie, uphold tolerance, and accept diversity in a world without borders. Since it was founded, the choir played more than 1,200 shows in Slovenia and all across the world.

Pinko Tomažič Partisan Choir Trieste
Pija Cah, choirmaster


*Events will be held rain or shine. We wish for all our visitors to have a pleasant experience at the show and a good view of the stage, which is why no open umbrellas will be allowed at the venue. We advise wearing weather-appropriate attire and footwear.



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