Preobrat at Trg revolucije – cultural heritage of Marko Brecelj

Other | other | Exhibition
  • 17.00 - 20.00
  • Obrat Gallery
  • Admission free.

Opening: 8. 6. 2023 at 19:00.
Opening hours:
- on Weekdays from 13:00 to 18:00,
- during Festival Lent from 13:00 to 20:00, on Saturdays and Sunday from 17:00 to 20:00.
The exhibition is opened until 14. 7. 2023.

Maribor is the perfect city to stage the first attempt at presenting the cultural heritage of Marko Brecelj – it is the city Brecelj loved most. Here’s where he spent his youth with his family and sampled the first sweet fruits of performing in front of an audience; an experience that left the greatest mark on his life journey.

In February 2022, Marko Brecelj’s existence experienced a turnaround: Marko is gone, while his scattered heritage remains! Marko won’t be the one directing its “Put away” as he liked to call it – today, it’s us who are directing his cultural heritage. And the memory of him. 

His student for life,
Arijana Markučič Brecelj

Produced by: Organizacija Društvo prijateljev zmernega napredka (DPZN) (Association of friends of moderate progress) and Pekarna Magdalenske mreže with support by Ustanova nevladnih mladinskega polja Pohorski bataljon (UPB) (Association of NGOs of the Pohorje Battalion youth line) and Festival Lent.



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