First Turnaround on StopTrik

StopTrik | other | Film

Animacije evropske mreže festivalov Animamus, projekcija, 55min

The international film festival StopTrik produced by Pekarna Magdalenske mreže invites you to three curated animated film selections that will be screened in the pop-up cinema in the garden next to OBRAT on Trg revolucije 9 (TURNAROUND ON 9 Revolution Square), turning the green corner right next to the Old Bridge into an open-air cinema during Festival Lent.

The programme features stop motion animations and other animation techniques across three curated evenings. On the first evening, we will get to see films from the network of European animated film festivals Animamus, while the second and third evening will bring selected stop motion animations and animations shot in other analogue techniques from last year’s edition of the StopTrik festival.



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