Tomaž Domicelj & Saša Olenjuk ● Janez Bončina

Tomaž Domicelj & Saša Olenjuk (ob 20.00)

Tomaž Domicelj, vocals, guitar
Saša Olenjuk, guitar, violin

“75 years on this Earth – 57 years on the scene.”  

Slovenian singer-songwriter veteran Tomaž Domicelj is also one of the few still active and surviving veterans of Festival Lent. He says he’s not a ‘legend’ (“there’s plenty of others who should carry this title …”) and prefers to be known as an ‘icon’. This also sums up his long-standing involvement in numerous fields that are connected to creating and playing music.

This time around, Tomaž extended an invitation to violin and guitar virtuoso Saša Olenjuk, who just happens to be the leader of the Maribor Symphony Orchestra. Tomaž and Sašo have been friends for some thirty years, while their first recorded musical cooperation was released on an album back in 1995.

Janez Bončina – Benč (ob 21.30)

Janez Bončina Benč, vocals
Primož Grašič, guitar, vocals
Nejc Škofic, keyboards, vocals
Jan Gregorka, bass
Žiga Kožar, drums

Janez Bončina – Benč is a legend, a world-class artist in heart and soul, and last, but certainly not least, the pioneer of Slovenian and former Yugoslavian rock music. His career in music spans over more than five decades and he has worked with numerous artists and bands both on the local and international music scene.



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