
Anina Trobec and Joseph Wheba, both excellent artists and kindred souls, met at the Goldsmiths University in London where they studied music. They both share a long history and plenty of experience with performing in Slovenia and England, and they even spent a year living and creating in India. Aside from performing as a duo, they also create in the nine-member ensemble Generator, which released its first album Open eyes in 2018.

Wheba has been around the block quite a few times and has worked with an astounding number of musicians from different countries. This brought him experience in different musical styles and genres, including classical music, jazz, techno, and reggae. He weaved this rich experience into his original creations, in which he deftly transcends different limits and boundaries.

Anina Trobec, vocals, effects
Joseph Wheba, piano, synyhs
Denis Androič, trumpet



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